
Writer Wednesday–Tell Us About Your Summer Vacations — 8 Comments

  1. Kat, I remember watching The Young and the Restless with my Nana during the summer as well. I am so glad you have those summer memories and her “drapery” ring and those shells. They are precious gifts from your grandparents to you. And I’m sure they will one day show up in one of your s stories. 🙂

  2. Great post, Kat. It stirred up lots of feelings of nostalgia. Grandparents let us get away with a lot of things that our parents never did. Now that I’m a grandparent, I understand!

  3. Aw, Kat, your memories with your grandparents are precious! I really enjoyed reading about your summers with them and how something from back then still happens today (buying corn, your grandmother’s ring, someone slipping you money). The thing is, it’s great that once in a while when you do one of those things or you open your jewelry box and see your grandmother’s ring, it brings back a sweet thought of easier times with wonderful people who helped shape us.

    I totally get eating Cocoa Puffs, just because. It’s why I’ll fry up some tostones (green plantains) even though I know fried food is bad for me. Because doing so evokes the sweet warmth of nostalgia and I can pretend my abuela/Gueli is cooking for me again and listening to a baseball game on the radio.

    Hey, the beach is still here in Florida. Let me know if you’re heading this way! 🙂

  4. What lovely memories, Kat. How lucky to have such special grandparents. I can’t quite imagine a spoonbill taller than a child and you’re going to have to translate lanai for me, hon. I too loved Duran Duran. Somewhere, I’ve still got their vinyl LP with Hungry like the Wolf on it. Not so sure about Billy Idol . . .

  5. Awww, what nice memories you have Kat. My grandparents lived on farms in Iowa so my summers weren’t as tropical as yours. I’m glad no one forgot the ring in the curtains. Maybe your son will give it to the one he loves some day. :0)

  6. What lovely summers, Kat. The seashells remind me of visiting an aunt and uncle who spent their winter vacations on Sanibel Island, back when you had to take a ferry to get there. We lived near Miami, then, so Sanibel was pretty exotic for us.

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