
D.E.A.R. Friends — 11 Comments

  1. You are pretty great yourself! You’ve given me more encouragement than anyone, which is great, because you’re sincere, and you know what you’re talking about too. <3

    I'm glad to see you posting again! πŸ˜€

  2. You’re so sweet! And I totally agree that I could never manage this on my own. Without all of my online writing friends, I’d simply flounder all alone. Having friend along for the ride makes it all so much more fun, even the challenging days.

  3. Okay. You just made me cry. You are a very D.E.A.R and *dear* friend to me too. πŸ™‚ I don’t know what I’d do without you! So glad I have someone that not only ‘gets’ me and my writing but is always there for me no matter what. That is a very rare friendship indeed, and I wish that every writer could have the kind of friend I have in you!

  4. Oh, Kat, this is sooooo sweet! I totally forgot about the Marlene contest, but that is how we ‘met’ isn’t it? I love reading your work and appreciate the fact you offer insightful criticism. Plus, I consider you a friend.

    Abbi πŸ™‚

    • I still remember where I was sitting when the phone rang! I consider you a friend too – that’s what makes this all so great. The lasting friendships we make with people who are technically the “competition”. But I never think of that. πŸ™‚ Glad we’re all in this together.

  5. Kat, I just saw your news on facebook and twitter and I’m so excited to meet a new Desire author. Congratulations on your success and I totally understand the fabulous and precious gift of your D.E.A.R. friends. Without them, it’s next to impossible to function, let alone succeed.

    All the very best!

  6. We share many things throughout our lives with many different people; we have our families, our co-workers, our children and our friends. The key to making all these different types of friendships something treasured is to remember the importance of all the different types we have in our life. There will probably be no one we will be quite as united with and special as our childhood friendships. These are the ones the most history is shared with. Friends can be met at any point in your life and if you are truly a friend to them and reciprocate then they will still help fulfill our happiness. There is nothing better than sharing something happy or sad with someone we trust with all our heart. Friendships and sharing is truly the core to everything in our life and with this will come a unity of souls.

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